Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spots and what-nots

I got a call a couple of weeks ago from a friend of a friend who wanted a cake for her daughter's first birthday.

Just as a little glimpse into my process, this is how ordering a bespoke cake with me usually works:

1. I get a call/email from a client.
2. We discuss themes, colours, budgets.
3. She sends me some pictures and ideas that she likes.
4. I do some preliminary sketches.
5. We go back and forth until we finalise a design, flavours and size/quantity.
6. I give a quote, and if she's happy we go ahead!

It does take a small amount of effort, but I love seeing how it comes together in the finished product.

So with this cake P liked the colours pale pink, black and white, and bows and spots. After a little discussion, I drew a sketch and sent it to her, and she liked it :-)

Here's the final outcome:

The cake was carrot cake (I make mine with walnuts, sunflower seeds and sultanas, all the yummy goodness!) 
with cream cheese between the layers, and surrounded by white chocolate ganache.
The cake weighed a tonne!

Decorated with spots and balls for the trim

 And an oversized bow. Cute!

She also ordered an assortment of babycups along with the main cake, and I just thought these red velvet ones were just too adorable!

These would be perfect for Mother's Day (in 2 weeks time!) ;-)

On a side note, Celine from Peek! Sweets and I will once again be selling our wares at the North Melbourne Market this Sunday April 29! It's 10am - 3pm at the Lithuanian Club on Errol St. - indoors, so we're sheltered from the freezing cold!


Elephants, ruffles and polka dots

Some caking I've been up to over the last couple of weeks:

A gorgeous vanilla bean vintage ruffle cake for a client's 30th birthday...

The larger one's Red Velvet with Cream Cheese, 
while the smaller one's Choc-fudge and Raspberry with Vanilla Bean frosting.

Elephant and polka-dot cupcakes for a baby shower!
The client sent me some photos to work with, which I later found out came
from one of my favourite baking blogs, The Cake Blog.

Such adorableness!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Of Princesses and Planes

It's been a month since my last post! Geez!

If you've been following the bakeshoppe's Facebook page you'll know what I've been up to lately... if not here's a quick pictorial rundown:

Jeremy the Jet Plane cake for a little boy.
I marbled the fondant for a "sky" effect (it's clearer in the first pic)

My Cake Pop class with family and friends!

Uber Oozy Chocolate mini cake.
With hand-stamped edible ink text.

 Princess cupcake for my 4 y.o. niece, thanks to a tutorial from The Cupcake Gallery.
A friend of mine said she kinda looks like a Kardashian!
(The cupcake, not my niece...although Anna can be a diva sometimes!)

Who's ready to go a-huntin for some Easter eggs?

And Cartoon Easter Bunnies!
I was experimenting with Sweet Sugar Belle's 20-second icing method.

So! That's what I've been up to the last couple of weeks, in between ferrying my visiting in-laws around town. And this week's a busy one as well, can't wait to get started!