Monday, June 4, 2012


Before I go ahead with the latest post, thanks to the lovely Kate & Rose, I just found out we had a teeny tiny mention in yesterday's Sunday Age!

You can read the full article here: (scroll down to the "Arts and Crafts" section). Our friends from the Southside Vintage market and North Melbourne Market got a lovely mention too!

Now back to cakery!

I got a lovely "thank you" recently from a lovely client, Shikha, for whom I made cupcakes for her mentor as a goodbye present.

"Your cupcakes were amazing, they were a HIT and all the teachers were so impressed that they've taken your phone  number...I've passed out your number and your website as well to them. Thank you so much!"

It's ALWAYS SO GREAT to get positive feedback, and NOTHING makes me happier than to make something I love for people who appreciate them as well! 

 These cupcakes were Red Velvet with cream cheese, and topped with black & white fondant birdies.

Nothing says Thank You better than a baked treat don't you agree?!

Ooh and in case you're wondering, these are the cookies-and-cream babycups the article was talking about!

Cookies and cream soldiers! Tennnnn HUT!